Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Definition and Tips for Business Writing Best Practices
Business writing is a professional communication tool (also known as business communication or professional writing) corporations and other professional entities use to communicate with either an internal or external audience. Memorandums, reports, proposals, emails, and a variety of other business-related written materials are all forms of business writing. Tips for Effective Business Writing The purpose of business writing is a transactional one. Of course, the content of business writing relates to a business entity but it also relates to a specific and purposeful transaction between the writer and his or her audience. According to Brant W. Knapp, author of A Project Managers Guide to Passing the Project Management Exam, the best business writing can be understood clearly when read quickly. The message should be well planned, simple, clear, and direct. Fast Facts: Basic Business Writing Goals To Convey Information: Forms of business communication, such as research reports or policy memos, are written to disseminate knowledge.Delivers News: Professional writing is often used to share recent events and accomplishments with both internal and external audiences. Call to Action: Business professionals use writing in an attempt to influence others for numerous reasons from selling merchandise to passing legislature.Explains or justifies an Action: Professional communication allows a business entity to explain their beliefs or to justify their actions. The following tips, adapted from Oxford Living Dictionaries, form a good foundation for business writing best practices. Put your main points first. State exactly why youre writing the correspondence upfront. One exception to this rule is for sales letters. Reminding the recipient of a past meeting or a common connection you share is an acceptable way to open as it may influence the recipient to be more amenable to your intended aims.Use everyday words. Using words such as about rather than concerning, expect rather than anticipate, and part instead of component will make your writing less stilted.Know your audience. Unless its aimed at an industry-specific audience, dont fill your writing with lots of technical jargon. (Specifics can be attached separately.) Adjust your tone to suit your intended reader. For instance, a letter of complaint would have a far different tone than a letter of reference. Finallyâ€â€this should go without sayingâ€â€never use derogatory or sexist language, and actively work to eliminate gender-biased language from any form of business communication.Use contractions when possible. Business writing has undergone a shift from formal to a more accessible style so using we’re not we are, and we’ve not we have is the way to go. Even so, you dont always have to use a contraction. A good rule of thumb is that if a contraction improves the sentence flow use it; if the sentence is more persuasive without it, use two words.Use active rather than passive verbs. Active verbs allow the reader to comprehend quickly and to understand more completely. For example, The decision has implemented to suspend production, leaves the interpretation of who made the decision to call it quits open. On the other hand, the meaning of, Weve decided to suspend production, is clear.Write tight. Again, using the example above, choosing the word decided rather than made the decision makes reading easier for the audience.Don’t be a slave to rules in every situation. Again, this is a case of knowing your audience. If your aim is to make your writing conve rsational, its fine to end a sentence with a preposition now and then, especially to improve flow and avoid awkward construction. That said, while many businesses have their own in-house style guides, elementary rules for style and grammar must be observed for your writingâ€â€and youâ€â€to be considered professional. Sloppy writing, poor word choices, or an unearned overly familiar attitude can come back to haunt you.Keep your font choices simple. Stick to a nice, clean type style such as Helvetica or Times New Roman and limit the number of fonts you use in correspondence. Your goal is something that legible and easy to read.Dont overuse visuals. According to sources at Technical Business Writing, Graphic displays should make up no more than 10 to 25 percent of the business writing. Too many graphics become confusing and often detract from the message you want to convey. A few, powerful, well-placed graphics will accomplish more to get your point across than something that looks like a bad attempt at scrapbooking.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Achieving the Goals of the French - 955 Words
The French Revolution is known to be the bloodiest and most violent revolution humankind has experienced. The French Revolution was started with the following three goals in mind: a change in government, a change in economy, and the delivery of equality for all. An extensive effort was used to correct these problems; however, it came at the cost of people’s freedom. Authoritarian revolutionaries intended to solve France’s struggles and drove the revolution in hope to improve the lives of the people. By looking at the evolution of France, through the years of 1781 to 1815, in terms of politics, economics, and social class structure, it becomes evident that although the French Revolution did not meet all goals, the majority of the goals were met. The French succeeded in bringing economic stability to the country. A massive accumulation of debt and financial struggle plagued the country, ruining the lives of the common people. Revolutionaries were later able to recover slowly from these troubles and improve the common person’s life. The misuse of French money greatly troubled the economy. The luxurious lives of the royal family used up a large fraction of the French budget. Millions of dollars of French treasury were spent yearly for the royal family to continue their extravagant lives. After the revolution was fought, Napoleon created a new system of French finance and closely monitored the flow of money. This shows that the revolution succeeded in gaining controlShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Was Pitts Repressive Policy the Main Reason for His Success in Resisting the Radical Challenge to 1801?935 Words  | 4 PagesTo what extent was Pitt’s repressive policy the main reason for his success in resisti ng the radical challenge to 1801? 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Fostering this will make the institution have motivated and capable people who are all working towards achieving the common goal of the institution. The success of this requires the leaders and managers to have the right tools and environment to improve and innovate. Effective Communication An active listener is one who gives the speaker their undivided attention
Importance of Consumer
Questions: Why Consumer Behavior is an Important Segment of Marketing. Answers: Introduction Consumer behavior is an important segment of marketing, which the companies and organizations need to focus upon. Provision of branded and quality products to the customers influences their purchasing decisions. On the other hand, exposing negligent attitude towards the needs, demands and requirements of the customers adversely affects the purchasing decisions. The second situation brings losses for the companies and organizations (Solomon, 2014). Maintenance of consistency in this negligence makes the issue a matter of great concern. As an example, downloading pirated contents can be accounted as the behavioral tendency of the customers belonging to the age group of 20-35 years. This type of behavioral conduct aligns with their entertainment needs, the effectiveness and suitability of which is judged in this report. Herein lays the appropriateness of the word dark in terms of the behaviors exposed by the consumers while exercising their purchasing power (East et al., 2016). Literature review Exposure of unusual behavior by the customers in terms of making purchases, have resulted in mixed reactions. The managers of the companies and organizations have been compelled to put on their thinking caps regarding the achievement of effective solutions as their business is going in losses. The article entitled, Where do consumers draw the line? Factors informing perceptions and justifications of deviant consumer behavior bear direct relationship with the requirements of the report. The word line relates to the demarcation between the right and the wrong actions, which the consumers need to follow for abiding by the consumer ethics (Dootson et al., 2016). The question mark after the word line attaches an interrogative parameter to the awareness of the customers about the marketing ethics. Enhancing the knowledge of the readers on the factors, which deviated the customers from their usual behavioral conduct, can be considered as an attempt of the scholars to restore the demarcation between the right and the wrong purchase. The article, Deviant customer behavior: An exploration of frontline employee tactics.Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice maintains continuity with the word factors of the article, Where do consumers draw the line? Factors informing perceptions and justifications of deviant consumer behavior. The word exploration of the first article relates to the discovery of the individual perceptions of the customers regarding their marketing activities (Reynolds Harris, 2006). Attitudinal theories The theoretical aspect can be correlated to the justifications for the deviations that have been found in the behaviors of the customers. Deviations from the usual behavioral conduct contradict the propositions of behavioural theory. As a matter of specification, this deviation questions the expressions that an individual is expected to display in terms of his age. In case of the customers, this deviation is something beyond the characteristics that they are expected to portray while executing their purchases. Along with this, this deviation contradicts the phrase planned action and reasoned behavior (Schiffman et al., 2013). Both these aspects are the components of an individuals maturity, which is nullified in terms of the deviant behavior exposed by the customers regarding the buying power. Absence of maturity while exercising the buying decisions relates with the darker shade of an individuals behavior. The word clones in the title, Game of clones represent the clones of the customers. These clones are the customers belonging to the age group of 20-35 years, downloading pirate movies and contents for their entertainment. Interesting fact here is that they are aware that these activities are illegal, in spite of that they do these kinds of activities to keep the pace with the others in terms of not missing the latest movies or trends that have emerged (Gunter Furnham, 2014).The throne represents the hotseat, where the managers are generating huge income through the black money of the clon(ified) customers. Displaying consistent attitude in terms of carrying out the marketing activities brings out the darker shade of the personnel of companies and organizations in order to protect the hotseat. This type of behavioral conduct affirms the deviant attitude of the customers, which is bringing nothing but losses for the companies dealing with digital media. These aspects add value to the word game. The managers play with the black money of the customers, who have been trapped through promises of quality content. This situation intensifies the competition between the brands (Smith, 2014). Knowing tactics helps the companies to sustain their position within the competitive ambience of the market. On the contrary, lack of adequate knowledge compels the companies and organizations to lose their position, customers and reputation. Viewing it from other perspectives, it is the reasoned and planned behavior of the personnel, which deviates the customers from their buying decisions. It is under this influence that they commit unethical actions. The result of indulging in unethical actions is worst than encountering taunts and mockery from the boss. In this situation, along with the managers, the customers are to pay compensations and fines, the amount to which is very high. The article, From fare evasion to illegal downloads: the cost of defiance shows the transformation of a customer from the adherence to the marketing legislations to the consequences that he might face in case of non-compliance with the marketing norms and policies (Dootson, 2014). The adjectives fare and illegal can be considered as the two phases of the consumers, which is exposed while they commit the basic actions for survival. Marketing is one of such action, which they perform for fulfillment of the survival needs. Marketing strategies through motivational and learning theory In order to restore the traditionalism in the purchasing decisions of the customers, cognitive learning theories seems appropriate. For this, the main aim of the marketing personnel should be on guiding the customers for the proper exposure of the appropriate expression and decision at the right place. Typical example in this direction is the provision of quality contents on TV and social networking sites. This would be one of an authentic and wise step of the personnel in terms of achieving customer satisfaction (Lantos, 2015). Therefore, in order to achieve positive results, adopting a strategic vision is crucial for the managers of the companies and organizations. Strategy 1: Maintenance of equilibrium between the internal and external environment Obtaining a balance between the internal and external environment would enable the marketing personnel to encounter infrastructural development. For this, consideration of the value chain analysis would act as a wise step for the personnel. This wise would enhance the maturity of the personnel in terms of ensuring the fulfillment of the needs, demands and requirements of the customers (Prez et al., 2013). Within this, partnership working is an important element for smooth functioning of the business activities. This coordination would broaden the perspectives of the personnel in terms of mitigating the illegal activities in which the customers might indulge. Market research regarding the consumer approaches towards the products and services of the other brands would enrich the knowledge of the digital media personnel about airing innovative contents. Exposure of conscious and rational approach in this direction would be a gradual reduction in the practice of downloading pirated conte nts. Strategy 2: Provide training to the staffs Providing training to the staffs on the effective and judicious utilization of the latest technologies would reduce the misutilization of the devices. Segmenting the training into various parts would help the staffs to attain an easy grasp over the issues related to the consumer behavior and its solutions (Ashley Tuten, 2015). This would project the consideration of the propositions of cognitive theory, which states the exposure of correct behavior at the right time. Along with this, briefing the staffs about the tendencies, specific tastes and preferences of the customers to the staffs would help them to achieve effective solutions regarding influencing their buying decisions. Taking post training tests would help the managers to assess their capability in terms of making practical applications of the learnt skills in the execution of the workplace operations. Herein lays the importance of cognitive learning, which motivates and encourages the staffs as well as the managers to delv e deep into the mindset of the customers for gaining knowledge on their behavioral conduct (Oliver, 2014). Strategy 3: Encourage the customers to attend sessions consumer ethics At the initial stage, the customers would not be ready to attend the session on the consumer ethics. Attending these sessions would adversely prod their purchasing power. However, the personnel need to apply correct tactics in order to study their reactions and approaches towards the undertaken steps. For this, possession of adequate skills and knowledge is essential for luring the customers towards the brand. Issuing warning regarding the consequences of indulging in unethical actions, before the starting of the programs on TV and social media would be an innovative step of the personnel of digital media (Vinerean et al., 2013). Along with this, it would also reflect the compliance and adherence to the marketing ethics by both the customers and the personnel. Emerging successful in this direction by the personnel would project their consideration of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Exposure of rationalistic attitude in this direction would make the personnel realize that downloading pira ted contents is illegal and it needs to dealt strongly. Taking the assistance of the statutory bodies would be a wise step for the personnel in terms of averting the serious issues. Support from the statutory bodies of law would help the digital media personnel to establish authentic and valid consumer ethics. This support and assistance would prove helpful in setting punishments and compensations for the consumers violating the norms (Ashley Tuten, 2015). Conclusion This report emerges successful in providing an insight into the aspect of consumer behavior. The example of game of thrones reflects the practice of the managers regarding playing with the black money of the customers, in order to win the rat race for attaining the hot seat. However, delving deep into the situation, it is observed that it is the influence of the managers, which has compelled the consumers to indulge into the unethical acts like downloading pirated contents. The increasing demands of this action have compelled the marketing personnel to put on their thinking caps in order to mitigate this practice. In such a situation, providing training to the staffs seems one of the most appropriate solutions for making the customers aware of the harmful consequences of downloading pirated contents. Training the staffs about the correct and proper consumer behavior would encourage them to expose generous behavior, which lures and influences their purchasing decisions. Herein the dar kness of the gaming practice attains a positive tone in terms of ethical behavior of the customers. In view of this shade, the gaming is to sustain the position within the competitive ambience of the market in terms of delivering quality products and services to the customers References Ashley, C., Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), 15-27. Dootson, P. (2014). From fare evasion to illegal downloads: the cost of defiance.The Conversation, (18). Dootson, P., Johnston, K. A., Beatson, A., Lings, I. (2016). Where do consumers draw the line? Factors informing perceptions and justifications of deviant consumer behaviour.Journal of Marketing Management,32(7-8), 750-776. 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