Friday, January 24, 2020
Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood By Essay
Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood By Seamus Heaney. Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood Having read the four poems from Seamus Heaney's collection "Death of a Naturalist", I have decided to Compare and contrast the two poems that I like best, which are "Death of a naturalist" and "Follower". Both of these are childhood stories set in the countryside. These reflect how Heaney felt about different aspects of life in his surroundings. This is one of the reasons that I have chosen these two poems the idea of the countryside makes me feel at home with these two poems. They are both set in the open air, which creates an open atmosphere. "Death of a Naturalist" is the first poem I chose to write about because of the overall effectiveness of the poem. This poem has been written in paragraph like stanzas, this gives me the feel of making the poems look full of descriptions; it also looks very exiting looking at all the stanzas are crammed into one. As you look at the poem you can see effective use of vivid similes such as "Frogspawn grew like clotted Water" Frogspawn that grows like "clotted water" shows you the fullness of the frogspawn it also shows us that the frogspawn is racing and covering the pond water very fast it also gives me an impression that he enjoys seeing the frogspawn growing and covering the pond as he enjoys collecting frogspawn "I would fill jampotfuls of the jellied specs" This shows the enjoyment of a young child collecting and watching something grow. We see the use of positive phrases "There were dragon-flies, Spotted butterflies... " The use of commas and short sentences give us an understanding of the child's ... ...od jobs around the farm. The last lines in the poem make us think about what has happened to his father. "It is my father who keeps stumbling Behind me, and will not go away" the effect this creates by saying his father is weak and falling away behind him tells us that the roles have been reversed. After looking at these two poems many things are very similar in the way they have been written: the language and form are authentic language of farming by this I mean that the poems have got a use of old farm language an describe things in a farming form. Heaney also leaves the reader with a final line to think about. By reading the two poems Heaney now feels that it is time to break away from his past and he also feels different from his family. I think this because he is looking back and writing about the past and he is able to write about the future.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How Does Sushi King Influence the Eating Habits of Consumer by Providing Healthy Eating?
TITLE: HOW DOES SUSHI KING INFLUENCE THE EATING HABITS OF CONSUMER BY PROVIDING HEALTHY EATING? BACKGROUND: Sushi Kin Sdn. Bhd. pioneers a new age of Japanese cuisine in Malaysia in 1995 which has quickly gained its popularity among the customers both locally and internationally. To date, there are more than 60 outlets in the nation which happens to be the largest chain of food restaurants using a speedy service concept called ‘revolving sushi’ or ‘kaiten sushi’. Its ultimate goal of business is to promote a healthy lifestyle within the community by offering food quality with wide variety of choices at affordable prices in a comfortable ambiance. Sushi Kin Sdn. Bhd is one of a subsidiary of the Texchem Group of Companies. The essence purpose of the proposal is to identify how Sushi King influences consumers’ eating habits by presenting its concept of great variety of food choices and quality towards achieving healthy eating. Because obesity has become an increasingly serious problem globally, there has been a recent increase in research studying how to communicate healthy eating habits, and the role of various socializing agents such as parents, government publicity, teachers and peer groups (Chan et al. , 2009). More ever, the current health trend in Malaysia is at critical stage whereby obesity is at high risk among the public. As commented by our Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai in The New Straits Times that obesity is becoming the major health issue with the number of obese people almost tripling in the past 15 years from four per cent in 1996 to 14 per cent in 2010 (Simon, 2010). And since obesity is the gateway to other chronic disease such as heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney problems, the risk of more Malaysians developing these syndromes will become greater in future. The reason behind this appearing phenomenon is majorly reflecting from less physical workouts and taking up unhealthy eating behaviours and lifestyle due to stress on both job and family commitments. Mueller (2007) advocated that consumers should also take increasing responsibilities by learning more about diet and nutrition as well as making healthier food choices. Sushi King plays a significant role as a private food sector by doing its part to create a healthy lifestyle within the public through its food offering and education, marketing tools and strategies, surveys, social events and related activities. The Japanese, however, have been influenced by traditional concepts of healthy eating, resulting in their culturally unique beliefs (Akamatsu et al. , 2004). RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this report proposal are: †¢ To acknowledge the importance of healthy eating †¢ To define the term ‘healthy eating’ at consumers’ perspective †¢ To examine efforts of Sushi King in creating healthy eating †¢ To draw conclusions and recommendations from the research studies METHODOLOGY Secondary and primary research will be carried out to acquire relevant data to assist in the findings and analysis. This study will employ qualitative research concentrating on pure interviews with two-designated questionnaires which included open-ended questions and Likert scale. Qualitative approach is chosen as this technique emphasizes on deep understanding on details and clarification on the concerning issue. The sample participate will include 50 consumers and 10 internal staffs for the implementation of the method adopted to examine the efforts of Sushi King in creating healthy eating. Once the data has been collected, it will be interpreted in statistical format using charts. TIMESCALE: Target date |Task to be achieved |Works to be submitted | |31 January |Agree initial PROJECT OUTLINE with Workshop tutor |PROJECT OUTLINE | |08 March |Project Proposal to local office for forwarding to Bolton |PROJECT PROPOSAL | | |Received feedback from Supervisor on Project Proposal | | |March – June |Writing of literature review | | |July – August |Writing of Research Methodology | | |Sept ember |Designing of questionnaires | | | |Carrying out interview with consumers and internal staffs | | |October |Analysis the results of interviewing | | | |Compiled all the data for the findings | | | |Writing of conclusions | | |November |Submit draft report to Turnitin UK |Final Project Report by | | |Review the result from Turnitin UK |submission date to local | | |Second review and improvement of report with Supervisor |office. | | |Submit Final Project Report to local office for onward forwarding to | | | |Bolton | | RESOURCES: The author has contacted with Sushi King to collect the data with the questionnaires that going to distribute to the consumers and internal staffs. Sushi King has granted to use the information and data been collected. Each interview session will be kept within duration of 15 minutes to 20 minutes. REFERENCES: Akamatsu, R. Maeda, Y. , Hagihara, A. and Shirakawa, T. (2005) Interpretations and attitudes toward healthy eating among Japanese workers. Appe tite, 44, pp. 123-129 Chan, K. , Prendergast, G. , GrOnhOj, A. and Bech-Larsen, T. (2009) Adolescents’ perceptions of healthy eating and communication about healthy eating. Health Education, 109(6) pp. 474-490 Mueller, B. (2007) Just where does corporate responsibility end and consumer responsibility begin? The case of marketing food to kids around the globe. International Journal of Advertising, 26(26) pp. 561-564 Simon, A. (2010). Obesity now a major health concern, says report. New Straits Time, 10 February, p. 13.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Positive Reinforcement to Increase Academic Performance
Reinforcement is the means by which behavior is increased. Also known as consequences, positive reinforcement adds something that will make it more likely the behavior will occur. Negative reinforcement is when something is removed, it is more likely to continue. The Reinforcement Continuum Reinforcement happens all the time. Some reinforcement occurs because the item or activity is naturally reinforcing. At the highest end of reinforcement, reinforcers are social or intrinsic, such as praise or self-esteem. Young children, or children with low cognitive or social functioning, may require primary reinforcers, such as food or preferred items. During the course of instruction primary reinforcers should be paired with secondary reinforcers. Primary Reinforcers: Primary reinforcers are things that reinforce behavior that provide immediate gratification, such as food, water or a preferred activity. Often very young children or children with severe disabilities need primary reinforcers in order to be engaged in an educational program. Food can be a powerful reinforcer, especially preferred food, such as fruit or candy. Often young children with severe disabilities or very low social functioning are started with preferred foods, but they need to be paired with secondary reinforcers, especially praise and social interaction. Physical stimulation, like piggyback rides or airplane rides are primary reinforcers that pair the therapist or teacher with the reinforcer. One of the principal goals of a therapist or teacher is for the therapist or teacher to become a secondary reinforcer for the child. When the therapist becomes a reinforcer for the child, it becomes easier for the child to generalize secondary reinforcers, like praise, across environments. Pairing primary reinforcers with tokens is also a powerful way to replace primary reinforcers with secondary reinforcers. A student earns tokens toward a preferred item, activity or perhaps food as part of their educational or therapy program. The token is also paired with secondary reinforcement, like praise, and moves the child toward appropriate behavior. Secondary Reinforcers: Secondary reinforcers are learned reinforcers. Awards, praise and other social reinforcers are all learned. If students have not learned the value of secondary reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, they need to be paired with primary reinforcers: a child earns a preferred item by earning stars. Soon the social status and attention that go with stars will transfer to the stars, and other secondary reinforcers like stickers and awards will become effective. Children with autism spectrum disorders lack an understanding of social interaction and do not value praise or other secondary reinforcement because they lack Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand that another human has emotions, thoughts and is motivated by personal self-interest. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder need to be taught the value of secondary reinforcers by having them paired with preferred items, food, and preferred activities. Intrinsic Reinforcement: The final goal of reinforcement is for students to learn to evaluate themselves and reward themselves with intrinsic reinforcement, the feeling a person gets from a job well done, for successfully completing a task. Still, we need to remember that people do not spend 12 years in college, medical school and residency just for the honor of being addressed as doctor. They are also hoping to earn the big bucks, and rightly so. Still, when intrinsic rewards accompany employment, as in being a special education teacher, they may compensate for some of the lack of status and income. The ability to discover intrinsic reinforcement in many activities that lead to the big bucks does, however, bode well for future success. Socially Valid Reinforcers Socially valid reinforcers refer to reinforcement schedules that are age appropriate. Seeking reinforcers that do not set students apart from typically developing peers in their age group is really part of providing FAPEâ€â€a Free, Appropriate Public Educationâ€â€a legal underpinning of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 1994 (IDEIA.) For students in middle school or high school, putting Super Mario stickers on the backs of their hands is not age appropriate. Of course, students with the most difficult behavior, or those who do not respond to secondary reinforcement need to have reinforcers that can be paired with social reinforcement and faded as more socially acceptable reinforcement can take its place. Socially valid reinforcement can also help students understand what is cool or acceptable to typical peers. Rather than letting middle school aged students watch a Telletubbies video as a reinforcer, how about a National Geographic video about bears? Or perhaps anime cartoons? Identifying High Preference Reinforcers In order for reinforcement to be effective, it has to be something the student or students find reinforcing. Stars on a chart might work for typical 2nd graders, but not for second graders with a severe disability. They certainly wont work for high school students, unless they get to trade them for something they really want. There are several ways to discover reinforcers. Ask Parents: If you teach students who are not communicating, students with severe cognitive disabilities or autism spectrum disorders, you should be sure to interview parents before the students come to you, so you have some of their favorite things. Often offering a favorite toy for a brief period is a strong enough reinforcer to keep a young student on task.An Informal Preference Assessment: Lay a number of things that children of the same age enjoy playing with and watch what a student shows the most interest in. You may seek similar toys. Also, other items that have shown to be of interest, like toys that light up when you squeeze them, or accordion tubes that make noises when you pull them can be shown and modeled to students to see if they gain their attention. These items are available through catalogs that specialize in providing resources for children with disabilities, such as Abilitations.Observation: What does a child choose to use? What activities do they seem to prefer ? I had a child in an early intervention program who had a pet turtle. We had a nicely painted model turtle of vinyl, and he would work for an opportunity to hold the turtle. With older children, you will find they may have a Thomas the Tank Engine lunch bag, or a Cinderella Umbrella that they cherish, and Thomas and Cinderella may be good partners for reinforcement.Ask the Students: Find out what they find the most motivating. One way to do that is through Reinforcement Menus that offer students things they can choose. When you collect them from a group, you can decide which items seem to be the most popular and arrange to make them available. A choice chart with the choices they have made can be very helpful, or you can create individual choice charts as I have for middle school students on the Autism Spectrum. If you want to control or limit the number of times they can make each choice (especially computer time, when you have limited computers for a large group) you could als o make tickets with strips at the bottom to tear off, a little like the postings for used cars at the Laundromat.
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