Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Civilised Life and the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Socialized Life and the Environment - Essay Example This acquires clashes between the longing to have an edified life and the support of the inborn condition. While components applied by architects could probably help in taking care of constant asset rivalry, no arrangements are offered to the running out biological administrations. Most basic biological system administrations, for example, watershed filtration, atmosphere security, and soil richness are not esteemed and in this manner as these characteristic assets are compromised, no innovative capacity is set up to substitute natural administrations at the expenses and volumes required. Life is progressively encircled and secured by Technological plans. Albeit present day science encourages individuals to get, control, and change nature, the unseemly use and advancement of innovation lead to significant negative effects, for example, asset exhaustion, natural contamination, and environmental demolition. Current innovation advances improves everyday environments and advances materia l life, yet its quick and solid force can bring about moral debates like hereditary adjustment, cloning, and atomic weapons. These confounded issues are inescapable and challenge the current ecological upkeep. While all will in general assent that innovation makes human progress and should be persistently evolved, conclusions vary with regards to the manner in which innovation ought to be identified with nature. The possibility that innovation devastates the earth ought not destruct our consideration from the truth that created and socialized nations are as yet significant movers in ecological procedures and have proceeding with duties concerning the issue. A considerable lot of the most basic natural issues looked by the cutting edge world are not brought about by industrialized nations. Moreover, rising cultivated ancient rarities and procedures get an opportunity to shape the eventual fate of the earth when contrasted with the earlier days. China for example, is developing as ano ther focal point of reusing. It appears to be mindful of the open door they forces to start new innovation under different conditions. Thee most squeezing overall natural issues are not of their making; yet they have a legitimate method to fix these issues by twisting the conspicuous bend that delineates the connection among innovation and ecological debasement. Innovation has been the one of the key drivers of natural procedures. For instance, transport advancements have made the world increasingly worldwide and littler planet, yet have additionally prompted new ecological pressure, especially through the raise in air carbon focuses. Despite the fact that the enlightened procedures have accelerated thriving much of the time, it has likewise allowed the extraction of common assets, for example, timber, fish, metals, and minerals at unforeseen rates. Then again, innovative advances have permitted decreased ecological issues. Research shows that China’s monetary progressions go connected at the hip with a similarly lesser outflows than the previous rates in North America and Europe since China has used advances that are a lot of cleaner than the other two were utilizing at similar phases of creation. Cars are a significant zone when investigating the contention between innovative advances and natural upkeep. Vehicles at present are cleaner in ecological terms than they were 30 or 40 years back. The
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Compare and Contrast Essay Samples For Middle School Students
Compare and Contrast Essay Samples For Middle School StudentsWhen you first go to write your school essay, one of the first things you may want to do is to compare and contrast essay samples. By writing these comparisons, you will be able to keep track of what other students are doing, while you have time to practice writing them yourself.The best way to write a comparison and contrast essay samples is to begin by writing one essay for each topic you will be covering. Choose a topic that you are especially passionate about. You may also choose a topic that you have knowledge of from reading about, or one that you feel you may be able to give new information on.Then, you can begin to develop each essay around this topic. Keep in mind that in this process you want to always write an essay that can be used to illustrate a point you are trying to make.Your goals in this process should be to create an essay that presents a very general overview of your topic, and also allow you to support your argument with examples from your own experience. You do not want to present a long, drawn out explanation of each point, but rather one that is more concise and easy to read.Once you have finished writing each essay, you will want to get a list of questions in front of you to help you think about what you have written. These questions can help you clarify your writing and give you the opportunity to come up with more ideas for additional essays.One of the best ways to write your compare and contrast essay samples for middle school students is to not use the same methods as you would use when writing an essay for high school. Instead, you will want to use two different writing styles, both of which can help you to make your essays more interesting.You can use the middle school essay samples to highlight your interest in a certain topic, or to demonstrate some point about the way you process information. You can also use the two different styles to show how you can use a variety of different techniques to provide your essay with depth.When you compare and contrast essay samples for middle school students, you will find that the process gives you more ideas for more writing. It also helps you feel more confident about writing these essays, because you will be able to see how different techniques can be used to create a better piece of writing.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Definition and Tips for Business Writing Best Practices
Business writing is a professional communication tool (also known as business communication or professional writing) corporations and other professional entities use to communicate with either an internal or external audience. Memorandums, reports, proposals, emails, and a variety of other business-related written materials are all forms of business writing. Tips for Effective Business Writing The purpose of business writing is a transactional one. Of course, the content of business writing relates to a business entity but it also relates to a specific and purposeful transaction between the writer and his or her audience. According to Brant W. Knapp, author of A Project Managers Guide to Passing the Project Management Exam, the best business writing can be understood clearly when read quickly. The message should be well planned, simple, clear, and direct. Fast Facts: Basic Business Writing Goals To Convey Information: Forms of business communication, such as research reports or policy memos, are written to disseminate knowledge.Delivers News: Professional writing is often used to share recent events and accomplishments with both internal and external audiences. Call to Action: Business professionals use writing in an attempt to influence others for numerous reasons from selling merchandise to passing legislature.Explains or justifies an Action: Professional communication allows a business entity to explain their beliefs or to justify their actions. The following tips, adapted from Oxford Living Dictionaries, form a good foundation for business writing best practices. Put your main points first. State exactly why youre writing the correspondence upfront. One exception to this rule is for sales letters. Reminding the recipient of a past meeting or a common connection you share is an acceptable way to open as it may influence the recipient to be more amenable to your intended aims.Use everyday words. Using words such as about rather than concerning, expect rather than anticipate, and part instead of component will make your writing less stilted.Know your audience. Unless its aimed at an industry-specific audience, dont fill your writing with lots of technical jargon. (Specifics can be attached separately.) Adjust your tone to suit your intended reader. For instance, a letter of complaint would have a far different tone than a letter of reference. Finallyâ€â€this should go without sayingâ€â€never use derogatory or sexist language, and actively work to eliminate gender-biased language from any form of business communication.Use contractions when possible. Business writing has undergone a shift from formal to a more accessible style so using we’re not we are, and we’ve not we have is the way to go. Even so, you dont always have to use a contraction. A good rule of thumb is that if a contraction improves the sentence flow use it; if the sentence is more persuasive without it, use two words.Use active rather than passive verbs. Active verbs allow the reader to comprehend quickly and to understand more completely. For example, The decision has implemented to suspend production, leaves the interpretation of who made the decision to call it quits open. On the other hand, the meaning of, Weve decided to suspend production, is clear.Write tight. Again, using the example above, choosing the word decided rather than made the decision makes reading easier for the audience.Don’t be a slave to rules in every situation. Again, this is a case of knowing your audience. If your aim is to make your writing conve rsational, its fine to end a sentence with a preposition now and then, especially to improve flow and avoid awkward construction. That said, while many businesses have their own in-house style guides, elementary rules for style and grammar must be observed for your writingâ€â€and youâ€â€to be considered professional. Sloppy writing, poor word choices, or an unearned overly familiar attitude can come back to haunt you.Keep your font choices simple. Stick to a nice, clean type style such as Helvetica or Times New Roman and limit the number of fonts you use in correspondence. Your goal is something that legible and easy to read.Dont overuse visuals. According to sources at Technical Business Writing, Graphic displays should make up no more than 10 to 25 percent of the business writing. Too many graphics become confusing and often detract from the message you want to convey. A few, powerful, well-placed graphics will accomplish more to get your point across than something that looks like a bad attempt at scrapbooking.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Achieving the Goals of the French - 955 Words
The French Revolution is known to be the bloodiest and most violent revolution humankind has experienced. The French Revolution was started with the following three goals in mind: a change in government, a change in economy, and the delivery of equality for all. An extensive effort was used to correct these problems; however, it came at the cost of people’s freedom. Authoritarian revolutionaries intended to solve France’s struggles and drove the revolution in hope to improve the lives of the people. By looking at the evolution of France, through the years of 1781 to 1815, in terms of politics, economics, and social class structure, it becomes evident that although the French Revolution did not meet all goals, the majority of the goals were met. The French succeeded in bringing economic stability to the country. A massive accumulation of debt and financial struggle plagued the country, ruining the lives of the common people. Revolutionaries were later able to recover slowly from these troubles and improve the common person’s life. The misuse of French money greatly troubled the economy. The luxurious lives of the royal family used up a large fraction of the French budget. Millions of dollars of French treasury were spent yearly for the royal family to continue their extravagant lives. After the revolution was fought, Napoleon created a new system of French finance and closely monitored the flow of money. This shows that the revolution succeeded in gaining controlShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Was Pitts Repressive Policy the Main Reason for His Success in Resisting the Radical Challenge to 1801?935 Words  | 4 PagesTo what extent was Pitt’s repressive policy the main reason for his success in resisti ng the radical challenge to 1801? 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Fostering this will make the institution have motivated and capable people who are all working towards achieving the common goal of the institution. The success of this requires the leaders and managers to have the right tools and environment to improve and innovate. Effective Communication An active listener is one who gives the speaker their undivided attention
Importance of Consumer
Questions: Why Consumer Behavior is an Important Segment of Marketing. Answers: Introduction Consumer behavior is an important segment of marketing, which the companies and organizations need to focus upon. Provision of branded and quality products to the customers influences their purchasing decisions. On the other hand, exposing negligent attitude towards the needs, demands and requirements of the customers adversely affects the purchasing decisions. The second situation brings losses for the companies and organizations (Solomon, 2014). Maintenance of consistency in this negligence makes the issue a matter of great concern. As an example, downloading pirated contents can be accounted as the behavioral tendency of the customers belonging to the age group of 20-35 years. This type of behavioral conduct aligns with their entertainment needs, the effectiveness and suitability of which is judged in this report. Herein lays the appropriateness of the word dark in terms of the behaviors exposed by the consumers while exercising their purchasing power (East et al., 2016). Literature review Exposure of unusual behavior by the customers in terms of making purchases, have resulted in mixed reactions. The managers of the companies and organizations have been compelled to put on their thinking caps regarding the achievement of effective solutions as their business is going in losses. The article entitled, Where do consumers draw the line? Factors informing perceptions and justifications of deviant consumer behavior bear direct relationship with the requirements of the report. The word line relates to the demarcation between the right and the wrong actions, which the consumers need to follow for abiding by the consumer ethics (Dootson et al., 2016). The question mark after the word line attaches an interrogative parameter to the awareness of the customers about the marketing ethics. Enhancing the knowledge of the readers on the factors, which deviated the customers from their usual behavioral conduct, can be considered as an attempt of the scholars to restore the demarcation between the right and the wrong purchase. The article, Deviant customer behavior: An exploration of frontline employee tactics.Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice maintains continuity with the word factors of the article, Where do consumers draw the line? Factors informing perceptions and justifications of deviant consumer behavior. The word exploration of the first article relates to the discovery of the individual perceptions of the customers regarding their marketing activities (Reynolds Harris, 2006). Attitudinal theories The theoretical aspect can be correlated to the justifications for the deviations that have been found in the behaviors of the customers. Deviations from the usual behavioral conduct contradict the propositions of behavioural theory. As a matter of specification, this deviation questions the expressions that an individual is expected to display in terms of his age. In case of the customers, this deviation is something beyond the characteristics that they are expected to portray while executing their purchases. Along with this, this deviation contradicts the phrase planned action and reasoned behavior (Schiffman et al., 2013). Both these aspects are the components of an individuals maturity, which is nullified in terms of the deviant behavior exposed by the customers regarding the buying power. Absence of maturity while exercising the buying decisions relates with the darker shade of an individuals behavior. The word clones in the title, Game of clones represent the clones of the customers. These clones are the customers belonging to the age group of 20-35 years, downloading pirate movies and contents for their entertainment. Interesting fact here is that they are aware that these activities are illegal, in spite of that they do these kinds of activities to keep the pace with the others in terms of not missing the latest movies or trends that have emerged (Gunter Furnham, 2014).The throne represents the hotseat, where the managers are generating huge income through the black money of the clon(ified) customers. Displaying consistent attitude in terms of carrying out the marketing activities brings out the darker shade of the personnel of companies and organizations in order to protect the hotseat. This type of behavioral conduct affirms the deviant attitude of the customers, which is bringing nothing but losses for the companies dealing with digital media. These aspects add value to the word game. The managers play with the black money of the customers, who have been trapped through promises of quality content. This situation intensifies the competition between the brands (Smith, 2014). Knowing tactics helps the companies to sustain their position within the competitive ambience of the market. On the contrary, lack of adequate knowledge compels the companies and organizations to lose their position, customers and reputation. Viewing it from other perspectives, it is the reasoned and planned behavior of the personnel, which deviates the customers from their buying decisions. It is under this influence that they commit unethical actions. The result of indulging in unethical actions is worst than encountering taunts and mockery from the boss. In this situation, along with the managers, the customers are to pay compensations and fines, the amount to which is very high. The article, From fare evasion to illegal downloads: the cost of defiance shows the transformation of a customer from the adherence to the marketing legislations to the consequences that he might face in case of non-compliance with the marketing norms and policies (Dootson, 2014). The adjectives fare and illegal can be considered as the two phases of the consumers, which is exposed while they commit the basic actions for survival. Marketing is one of such action, which they perform for fulfillment of the survival needs. Marketing strategies through motivational and learning theory In order to restore the traditionalism in the purchasing decisions of the customers, cognitive learning theories seems appropriate. For this, the main aim of the marketing personnel should be on guiding the customers for the proper exposure of the appropriate expression and decision at the right place. Typical example in this direction is the provision of quality contents on TV and social networking sites. This would be one of an authentic and wise step of the personnel in terms of achieving customer satisfaction (Lantos, 2015). Therefore, in order to achieve positive results, adopting a strategic vision is crucial for the managers of the companies and organizations. Strategy 1: Maintenance of equilibrium between the internal and external environment Obtaining a balance between the internal and external environment would enable the marketing personnel to encounter infrastructural development. For this, consideration of the value chain analysis would act as a wise step for the personnel. This wise would enhance the maturity of the personnel in terms of ensuring the fulfillment of the needs, demands and requirements of the customers (Prez et al., 2013). Within this, partnership working is an important element for smooth functioning of the business activities. This coordination would broaden the perspectives of the personnel in terms of mitigating the illegal activities in which the customers might indulge. Market research regarding the consumer approaches towards the products and services of the other brands would enrich the knowledge of the digital media personnel about airing innovative contents. Exposure of conscious and rational approach in this direction would be a gradual reduction in the practice of downloading pirated conte nts. Strategy 2: Provide training to the staffs Providing training to the staffs on the effective and judicious utilization of the latest technologies would reduce the misutilization of the devices. Segmenting the training into various parts would help the staffs to attain an easy grasp over the issues related to the consumer behavior and its solutions (Ashley Tuten, 2015). This would project the consideration of the propositions of cognitive theory, which states the exposure of correct behavior at the right time. Along with this, briefing the staffs about the tendencies, specific tastes and preferences of the customers to the staffs would help them to achieve effective solutions regarding influencing their buying decisions. Taking post training tests would help the managers to assess their capability in terms of making practical applications of the learnt skills in the execution of the workplace operations. Herein lays the importance of cognitive learning, which motivates and encourages the staffs as well as the managers to delv e deep into the mindset of the customers for gaining knowledge on their behavioral conduct (Oliver, 2014). Strategy 3: Encourage the customers to attend sessions consumer ethics At the initial stage, the customers would not be ready to attend the session on the consumer ethics. Attending these sessions would adversely prod their purchasing power. However, the personnel need to apply correct tactics in order to study their reactions and approaches towards the undertaken steps. For this, possession of adequate skills and knowledge is essential for luring the customers towards the brand. Issuing warning regarding the consequences of indulging in unethical actions, before the starting of the programs on TV and social media would be an innovative step of the personnel of digital media (Vinerean et al., 2013). Along with this, it would also reflect the compliance and adherence to the marketing ethics by both the customers and the personnel. Emerging successful in this direction by the personnel would project their consideration of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Exposure of rationalistic attitude in this direction would make the personnel realize that downloading pira ted contents is illegal and it needs to dealt strongly. Taking the assistance of the statutory bodies would be a wise step for the personnel in terms of averting the serious issues. Support from the statutory bodies of law would help the digital media personnel to establish authentic and valid consumer ethics. This support and assistance would prove helpful in setting punishments and compensations for the consumers violating the norms (Ashley Tuten, 2015). Conclusion This report emerges successful in providing an insight into the aspect of consumer behavior. The example of game of thrones reflects the practice of the managers regarding playing with the black money of the customers, in order to win the rat race for attaining the hot seat. However, delving deep into the situation, it is observed that it is the influence of the managers, which has compelled the consumers to indulge into the unethical acts like downloading pirated contents. The increasing demands of this action have compelled the marketing personnel to put on their thinking caps in order to mitigate this practice. In such a situation, providing training to the staffs seems one of the most appropriate solutions for making the customers aware of the harmful consequences of downloading pirated contents. Training the staffs about the correct and proper consumer behavior would encourage them to expose generous behavior, which lures and influences their purchasing decisions. Herein the dar kness of the gaming practice attains a positive tone in terms of ethical behavior of the customers. In view of this shade, the gaming is to sustain the position within the competitive ambience of the market in terms of delivering quality products and services to the customers References Ashley, C., Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), 15-27. Dootson, P. (2014). From fare evasion to illegal downloads: the cost of defiance.The Conversation, (18). Dootson, P., Johnston, K. A., Beatson, A., Lings, I. (2016). Where do consumers draw the line? Factors informing perceptions and justifications of deviant consumer behaviour.Journal of Marketing Management,32(7-8), 750-776. East, R., Singh, J., Wright, M., Vanhuele, M. (2016).Consumer behaviour: applications in marketing. Sage. Gunter, B., Furnham, A. (2014).Consumer Profiles (RLE Consumer Behaviour): An Introduction to Psychographics(Vol. 5). Routledge. Inoue, Y., Kent, A. (2014). A conceptual framework for understanding the effects of corporate social marketing on consumer behavior.Journal of Business Ethics,121(4), 621-633. Lantos, G. P. (2015).Consumer behavior in action: Real-life applications for marketing managers. Routledge. Oliver, R. L. (2014).Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Prez, A., del Mar Garca de los Salmones, M., Rodrguez del Bosque, I. (2013). The effect of corporate associations on consumer behaviour.European Journal of Marketing,47(1/2), 218-238. Reynolds, K. L., Harris, L. C. (2006). Deviant customer behavior: An exploration of frontline employee tactics.Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,14(2), 95-111. Schiffman, L., O'Cass, A., Paladino, A., Carlson, J. (2013).Consumer behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU. Smith, N. C. (2014).Morality and the Market (Routledge Revivals): Consumer Pressure for Corporate Accountability. Routledge. Solomon, M. R. (2014).Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Vinerean, S., Cetina, I., Dumitrescu, L., Tichindelean, M. (2013). The effects of social media marketing on online consumer behavior.International Journal of Business and Management,8(14), 66.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Many Students Choose to Living Away From Home When They Go to University, is it a Good Thing for them or Not
Acquiring knowledge and skills from institutions of higher learning is a prerequisite in the current century. Tertiary education is vital because it helps individuals to secure credentials that are substantial or are applicable to the current labour force.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Many Students Choose to Living Away From Home When They Go to University, is it a Good Thing for them or Not? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is also reported that tertiary education is important because it helps students develop competency in their level of speciality and as a result, they are able to undergo a transition that makes them better people in the society (Smart and Paulsen 363-364). The idea of joining a college brings forth mixed emotions for high school graduates. Questions such as what college to attend and whether to move away from home or attend college while staying at home are also prevalent. This essay se eks to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of living away from home while attending university. Many students prefer to apply for universities that are not within their home towns. Those who opt to attend universities that are located within the vicinity of their homes prefer to live in college apartments or reside with their friends. This assertion is supported by Grigsby who asserts that the idea of students living away from home is prevalent and, it is as old as the idea of industrialization (39-40). The rationale behind this idea revolves around the notion that most students do not intend to return back to their parent’s homes after completing their university education. Living away from home while attending university is one of the best options that any college student can ever choose. This is because living away from normal life as they know it helps them go through major life transitions such as becoming independent individuals. This notion is indicated by the st udents who live away from home while attending college education have a better chance to achieve higher levels of independence (1-2). This is because when students live away from home they learn how to cope with daily activities that they would not have learnt if they were residing in their parents’ house.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In support for acquiring higher levels of independence, Grigsby insists that students who live away from home are more likely to become responsible people in the society (39-42). This is attributed to the fact that, such students become more aware of their surroundings, their roles and what is expected of them. This also means that they are able to make rational decisions based on their learnt ideas. Therefore, they become more organized in terms of budgeting for their resources and implementing their plans. Independence and responsible behavio ur are better achieved through experience. However, achieving the two can be a daunting task for students who reside with their parents because of the overbearing and caring attitudes associated with parenting. Living away from home is important because it helps students to expand their horizons in terms of how they understand the world around them. This is because, by living away from home, students are able to live with, and, interact with other students who come from different backgrounds. This is important because it helps them to develop strategies that are relevant when existing in a multi cultural setting. Students living away from home eliminate autonym. This is because, the students are able to attain some sense of flexibility and thus, they are able to seek life paths that are very different from their parent’s. Therefore, they are able to form their own identity and make major strides towards becoming global citizens (Newman B., and Newman P., 392-394). Another adv antage of living away from home while in university is acquiring higher levels of self awareness. It is important for university students to experience life on their own in order for them to become more aware of their potential and limitation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Many Students Choose to Living Away From Home When They Go to University, is it a Good Thing for them or Not? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through self awareness, students are able to know what is important to them thus they end up prioritizing their education and consequently their life goals. This helps them to compete at the same level with their college counterparts. In support of this concept, Grigsby explains that self awareness is vital because it helps students to operate within their limits thus they avoid setting unrealistic goals (39-40). The idea of students living away from home while attending university has been highly rec ommended however, it is important to note that, there are a number of factors that limit the practicality of this idea (Feldman, Newcomb, 2009). The world has seen major economic issues that impact directly on the living standards of students and their families. This has necessitated the need for students to work while attending school in order to cater for their expenses. This trend is however very common with students living away from home as they are inclined to work for more hours in order to keep up with the high living standards, and the lavish lifestyles of college students. Smart argues that, students who spend more time working rather than attending lectures are more likely to drop out of university in their quest to achieve financial stability (30). It is also possible for students to become stressed up especially when balancing between achieving commendable grades and sustaining their livelihoods. Smart reports that, due to the closeness deficit created when students mov e away from home, such students are likely to engage in sourcing out for more work in order to appease their parents with financial support (33). This translates to higher levels of stress which are likely to translate to dropping out of university or engaging in mischievous acts such as crime. This also leads to development of mental issues that require counselling and psychiatric attention therefore, dragging students behind.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is important to note that, not all social relations are advantageous to students. This is because some students are prone to associating with individuals who impact negatively on their lives. Smart argues that social ties, through friendship, can lead college students to activities such as drug abuse (32). When students develop such behaviour when they are away from home, it is difficult for parents to notice or monitor the extent of the behaviour. This therefore leads to the development of unacceptable social conduct thus, compromising on the student’s ability to finish their university education. In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages of students living away from home while going through university education. While living away from home, students stand to become independent, responsible, and more self-aware. They also acquire some sense of cultural mobility. It is also evident that such students are prone to become work oriented, stressed and engage in soc ial misconduct. Works Cited Feldman, Kenneth, and Theodore Newcomb. The impact of college on students. New Jersey: New Brunswick, 1994. Print. Grigsby, Mary. College life through the eyes of students. New York: State University of New York Press, 2009. Print. Newman, Barbara, and Philip Newman. Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach. 11th ed. California: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print Smart, John, and Michael Paulsen. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Eds. New York: Springer, 2011. Print. Smart, John. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Vol. 24. New York: Springer, 2009. Print. This essay on Many Students Choose to Living Away From Home When They Go to University, is it a Good Thing for them or Not? was written and submitted by user Libby Blake to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Essays
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Essays Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Paper Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Paper Essay will attempt to analyse the different trailer conventions, which make the trailer Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban a success. The outlined conventions include different scenes, the music and what affect the have on the viewers. This essay will explain the genre of the film and who their target audiences are. The opening scene starts off with Warner Bros Pictures logo in front of a cluster of clouds, this would be one of the unique selling points, and Warner Bros Pictures are incredibly famous all over the world. The scene is done in slow motion at the start and then speeds up towards the end. Bright colors are used for this logo, bright yellow, sky blue and the logo is outlined in black to make it stand out. The next scene you see Professor Servens Snape (played by Alan Rickman, who is a very famous actor, this would make the fans of Alan Rickman come to watch the film). He makes a dramatic entrance in to a class room where Harry Potter (who is another unique selling point and played by Daniel Radcliffe) and his other class mates are studying; Snape with his wand closes the blinds on the windows and goes to the front of the class and pulls down what looks like a over-head projector screen, at this point the camera moves slightly closer to his face as he says turn to page 304, the clothes which Professor Snape wears and the looks he look on his face give the impression that he is really creepy , when he walks in the class goes quiet this tells us that he is a strict and frightening teacher. : After this a dark purplely black gathering of clouds appear and from the smokes you see writing which says YEAR THREE BEGINS this tells the audience that this isnt the first film or the first year at Hogwarts, the writing is in white font and in capital letters, this makes the writing stand out because the clouds are dark colors and the writing is in light, this catches the audiences attention, we also hear thunder and see lightening, this gives a spine-chilling effect. The very next scene is of a bus on a dark night turning a sharp corner driving at a very high speed dodging past parked and driving cars on the main road. This tells the audience that the film has some sort of adventure in it and will appeal to people who like adventure movies; this is because they look to be having an adventure, driving down a dark road in a bus at an incredible high speed. At this point you see the interior of the bus and Harry Potters shocked face, then the driver who is an old man sitting next to a unusual monster like creature who says Theres an old lady at 12 oclock in a high pitched yet manly voice, the driver then pulls up the hand brake. As the driver dopes this Harry goes smack into the window. The driver counts down from three waiting for the old lady to cross and the monster like creature shouts, YES! and the driver carries on driving again. This part tells us that the film is going to have some sort of comedy scenes; this would appeal to people who like to watch comedy films. This brings us to the next scene which is of an old wet prison cell with an middle aged man sitting inside, here we hear the voice of the traditional deep male authoritative voice telling us that Serious Black has escaped from the prison of Azkaban from another male voice we learn that He is a murderer just then Serious Black looks up at the camera, this tells the audience that the film is also going to have mystery init and will appeal to people who like to watch mystery films. The voice over is at one point the characters and sometimes changes to a males voice, this gives you a variety of voices and youre not stuck with the same voice for the whole trailer, this makes the viewer more interested in the trailer. The next scene is of a crowd of school children standing in a forest two of whom are Hermione Granger (who is played by Emma Watson) and Ron Weasley (who is played by Rupert Grint), the audience would know who the main characters are because they should have seen the first two movies which were released and in order to understand this film the first two have to be seen as the second is a sequel to the third, they both look nervous as theyve seen something however it is not shown to build suspense, Hermione grabs hold of Rons hand, he looks down at his hand then up at Hermione, she turns around and they both look at each other, there a awkward silence here she take her hand off of his hand they both look away as if nothing had happened. The next scene is of Professor Mineva McGonagal (who is played by Maggie Smith) telling two male people whose faces arent revealed in a dark and gloomy room that Serious Black is the reason the Potters are dead and a males voice saying And now he wants to finish what he started in the middle of her saying this the camera is moved to Harrys room, the camera shot is a long shot where the audience see that Harry is sitting on his bed, with his head in his hands. On his bedside he has a table with a lamp and a photo frame with a picture of two people are seen dancing around; these two people are Harry Potters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. This brings us to the next scene where Harry is standing in what looks like some sort of mill, looking very stressed out, here you hear a deep male voice telling Harry I want you to swear to me that you wont go looking for Black! bringing us to the next scene where Harry is replying to the person whose face is not exposed, to build suspense, that Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me Harry is the only person whose face we see.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Biography of Dido Elizabeth Belle, English Aristocrat
Biography of Dido Elizabeth Belle, English Aristocrat Dido Elizabeth Belle (c. 1761–July 1804) was a British aristocrat of mixed heritage. She was born into slavery in the British West Indies, the daughter of an African slave and British military officer Sir John Lindsay. In 1765, Lindsay moved with Belle to England, where she lived with royals and eventually became a wealthy heiress; her life was the subject of the 2013 film Belle. Fast Facts: Dido Elizabeth Belle Known For: Belle was a mixed-race English aristocrat who was born into slavery and died a wealthy heiress.Born: c. 1761 in the British West IndiesParents: Sir John Lindsay and Maria BelleDied: July 1804 in London, EnglandSpouse: John Davinier (m. 1793)Children: John, Charles, William Early Life Dido Elizabeth Belle was born in the British West Indies around 1761. Her father Sir John Lindsay was a British nobleman and navy captain, and her mother Maria Belle was an African woman that Lindsay is thought to have found on a Spanish ship in the Caribbean (little else is known about her). Her parents were not married. Dido was named after her mother, her great-uncle’s first wife, Elizabeth, and for Dido the Queen of Carthage. â€Å"Dido†was the name of a popular 18th-century play, William Murray, a descendant of Dido’s great-uncle, later said. â€Å"It was probably chosen to suggest her elevated status,†he said. â€Å"It says: ‘This girl is precious, treat her with respect.’†A New Beginning At about the age of 6, Dido parted ways with her mother and was sent to live with her great-uncle William Murray, Earl of Mansfield, and his wife in England. The couple was childless and already raising another great-niece, Lady Elizabeth Murray, whose mother had died. It’s unknown how Dido felt about the separation from her mother, but the split resulted in the mixed-race child being raised as an aristocrat rather than a slave (she did, however, remain the property of Lord Mansfield). Dido grew up at Kenwood, a royal estate outside of London, and was allowed to receive a royal education. She even served as the earl’s legal secretary, assisting him with his correspondence (an unusual responsibility for a woman at the time). Misan Sagay, who wrote the screenplay for the film â€Å"Belle,†said that the earl appeared to treat Dido nearly equally to her completely European cousin. The family purchased the same luxurious items for Dido that they did for Elizabeth. Quite often if they were buying, say, silk bed hangings, they were buying for two, Sagay said. She believes that the earl and Dido were very close, as he wrote about her with affection in his diaries. Friends of the family- including Thomas Hutchinson, the governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay- also noted the close relationship between Dido and the earl. Scottish philosopher James Beattie noted her intelligence, describing Dido as a negro girl about 10 years old, who had been six years in England, and not only spoke with the articulation and accent of a native, but repeated some pieces of poetry, with a degree of elegance, which would have been admired in any English child of her years. Life at Kenwood A 1779 painting of Dido and her cousin Elizabeth- which now hangs in Scotland’s Scone Palace- shows that Dido’s skin color did not give her inferior status at Kenwood. In the painting, both she and her cousin are dressed in finery. Also, Dido is not positioned in a submissive pose, as blacks typically were in paintings during that time period. This portrait- the work of Scottish painter David Martin- is largely responsible for generating public interest in Dido over the years, as is the notion, which remains in dispute, that she influenced her uncle, who served as Lord Chief Justice, to make legal decisions that led to slavery in England being abolished. The one indication that Dido’s skin color did result in her being treated differently at Kenwood is that she was forbidden to take part in formal dinners with her family members. Instead, she had to join them after such meals concluded. Francis Hutchinson, an American visitor to Kenwood, described this phenomenon in a letter. A black came in after dinner and sat with the ladies and, after coffee, walked with the company in the gardens, one of the young ladies having her arm within the other,†Hutchinson wrote. â€Å"He [the earl] calls her Dido, which I suppose is all the name she has.†Inheritance Although Dido was slighted during meals, William Murray cared enough about her to want her to live autonomously after his death. He left her a large inheritance and granted Dido her freedom when he died at the age of 88 in 1793. Death After her great-uncle’s death, Dido married Frenchman John Davinier and bore him three sons. She died in July 1804 at age 43. Dido was buried in the cemetery at St. Georges Fields, Westminster. Legacy Much of Didos unusual life remains a mystery. It was David Martins portrait of her and her cousin Elizabeth that initially stirred so much interest in her. The painting inspired the 2013 film Belle, a speculative work about the aristocrats unique life. Other works about Dido include the plays Let Justice Be Done and An African Cargo; the musical Fern Meets Dido; and the novels Family Likeness and Belle: The True Story of Dido Belle. The absence of recorded information about Didos life has made her an enigmatic figure and the source of endless speculation. Some historians believe she may have influenced her uncle in making his historic anti-slavery rulings as Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. Sources Bindman, David, et al. The Image of the Black in Western Art. Belknap Press, 2014.Jeffries, Stuart. â€Å"Dido Belle: the Artworld Enigma Who Inspired a Movie.†The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 27 May 2014.Poser, Norman S. Lord Mansfield: Justice in the Age of Reason. McGill-Queens University Press, 2015.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Conclusion for my project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conclusion for my project - Essay Example Dark tourism therefore has a history which attracts both history makers and curious people to these sites of history. Looking at Prague, The Church of SS Cyril and Methodius are good historical sites and these two have been voted as the best tourist destinations in the Czech Republic leave alone the aspect of being in Prague (Hannam & Knox, 2010, p. 28). This is because they acted as a refuge centre for assassins of ReichsprotektorHeydrich. In these places, the Germans outnumbered their enemies forcing them (enemies) to take their own lives by shooting themselves. That was in 1942 during the Second World War (Martina, 2011, p. 79). The two names centres are not the only ones in Prague that contribute to its tourism. Apparently the increased demand dark tourism has been boosted by the number of dark tourism centres in Prague. This is because the more the number of dark tourist centres, the richer the history of the town. Some other centres in the town that must have an applied history that is need knowledge for so many people are: Due to this, the statement of the research question would be that; the many dark tourism centres in Prague contain a rich history of past happenings and therefore have increased the demand for dark tourism in the town. The aim of this research is to relate the history contained in each of the dark tourism centres to the increased demand in dark tourism in Prague. This is because each centre has got its own history and there are also different types of tourists that visit the place for their knowledge. It is therefore important that the ability of the sites to attract tourists must be indicated as a cause for the increased demand of the tourists in Prague. The reason for choosing this research topic is that dark tourism is a fast-growing niche of the global tourism market. There is a lot of potential in this niche market because people will be always fascinated and
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Loss Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Loss Prevention - Essay Example During the percent of the population residing I rented homes. Every other person wants to have his or her own company then each small thing regarding security becomes vital. While setting up an office, land value was not at all a constraining factor for the businessmen. The important elements of marketing plan are to precisely define the business, identify the goals and serve as the firm's resume. Pro forma balance sheet, an income statement, planning precise strategies, security and cash flow analyses comprises the basic components of a marketing plan. Preparing a marketing plan helps in the allocation of resources properly, making good decisions and handling of unseen or unexpected complications that may become hurdle in the future development of the business. One of the important aspects of marketing plan is that it provides organized information about the company and importantly a good business plan helps in attaining a loan application. Other important applications include informing the details of the company to the sales personnel, suppliers and others so that they become aware of company's goals and achievements. Retail business is a hugely profit making business. It is one of the booming businesses that have given fruitful results to those who invested to gain profits. A retail business can give good results if the infrastructure of concerned shop, market or trade is good. Basic facilities like water, electricity, food and shelter should be sufficient. Retail prices will increase when the land is in the center of the city, or in industrial areas, or in residential areas. Infrastructure of the city or town plays an important role because those are the basic amenities that an investor would look into, before buying the land. Lack of infrastructure and basic facilities would lead to downfall in prices of the land and investors will lose faith and retract the investment. This would be huge disaster for any businessman. Therefore before putting a land to sale check the basic amenities and infrastructure and the price of the land accordingly. Retail business has become a hotspot for retail businessmen domestically and internationally. The main reason for this is the presence of strong infrastructure, marketing and good facilities like electricity. One of the important factors that have increased the retail corporate is the high rate of ownership. A general definition of valuation of property is to state the actual value of the property both according to the government and private (commercial) sector. While valuating a property government will not consider the commercial demand that property is possessed with. Apart from state owned properties commercial and residential properties are in boom these days. Resident localities are fast growing and becoming some of the costliest living areas. Commercial properties that fetch income are of many kinds. Commercial show rooms and establishment of corporate offices are touching the heights of the retail business. Commercial show room owners are ready to pay any amount of money to get a place in the most commercially viable areas. One of the important things among retail companies is transportation of goods. For transportation these companies depend on companies like DHL, UPS, etc. The
Friday, January 24, 2020
Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood By Essay
Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood By Seamus Heaney. Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood Having read the four poems from Seamus Heaney's collection "Death of a Naturalist", I have decided to Compare and contrast the two poems that I like best, which are "Death of a naturalist" and "Follower". Both of these are childhood stories set in the countryside. These reflect how Heaney felt about different aspects of life in his surroundings. This is one of the reasons that I have chosen these two poems the idea of the countryside makes me feel at home with these two poems. They are both set in the open air, which creates an open atmosphere. "Death of a Naturalist" is the first poem I chose to write about because of the overall effectiveness of the poem. This poem has been written in paragraph like stanzas, this gives me the feel of making the poems look full of descriptions; it also looks very exiting looking at all the stanzas are crammed into one. As you look at the poem you can see effective use of vivid similes such as "Frogspawn grew like clotted Water" Frogspawn that grows like "clotted water" shows you the fullness of the frogspawn it also shows us that the frogspawn is racing and covering the pond water very fast it also gives me an impression that he enjoys seeing the frogspawn growing and covering the pond as he enjoys collecting frogspawn "I would fill jampotfuls of the jellied specs" This shows the enjoyment of a young child collecting and watching something grow. We see the use of positive phrases "There were dragon-flies, Spotted butterflies... " The use of commas and short sentences give us an understanding of the child's ... ...od jobs around the farm. The last lines in the poem make us think about what has happened to his father. "It is my father who keeps stumbling Behind me, and will not go away" the effect this creates by saying his father is weak and falling away behind him tells us that the roles have been reversed. After looking at these two poems many things are very similar in the way they have been written: the language and form are authentic language of farming by this I mean that the poems have got a use of old farm language an describe things in a farming form. Heaney also leaves the reader with a final line to think about. By reading the two poems Heaney now feels that it is time to break away from his past and he also feels different from his family. I think this because he is looking back and writing about the past and he is able to write about the future.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How Does Sushi King Influence the Eating Habits of Consumer by Providing Healthy Eating?
TITLE: HOW DOES SUSHI KING INFLUENCE THE EATING HABITS OF CONSUMER BY PROVIDING HEALTHY EATING? BACKGROUND: Sushi Kin Sdn. Bhd. pioneers a new age of Japanese cuisine in Malaysia in 1995 which has quickly gained its popularity among the customers both locally and internationally. To date, there are more than 60 outlets in the nation which happens to be the largest chain of food restaurants using a speedy service concept called ‘revolving sushi’ or ‘kaiten sushi’. Its ultimate goal of business is to promote a healthy lifestyle within the community by offering food quality with wide variety of choices at affordable prices in a comfortable ambiance. Sushi Kin Sdn. Bhd is one of a subsidiary of the Texchem Group of Companies. The essence purpose of the proposal is to identify how Sushi King influences consumers’ eating habits by presenting its concept of great variety of food choices and quality towards achieving healthy eating. Because obesity has become an increasingly serious problem globally, there has been a recent increase in research studying how to communicate healthy eating habits, and the role of various socializing agents such as parents, government publicity, teachers and peer groups (Chan et al. , 2009). More ever, the current health trend in Malaysia is at critical stage whereby obesity is at high risk among the public. As commented by our Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai in The New Straits Times that obesity is becoming the major health issue with the number of obese people almost tripling in the past 15 years from four per cent in 1996 to 14 per cent in 2010 (Simon, 2010). And since obesity is the gateway to other chronic disease such as heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney problems, the risk of more Malaysians developing these syndromes will become greater in future. The reason behind this appearing phenomenon is majorly reflecting from less physical workouts and taking up unhealthy eating behaviours and lifestyle due to stress on both job and family commitments. Mueller (2007) advocated that consumers should also take increasing responsibilities by learning more about diet and nutrition as well as making healthier food choices. Sushi King plays a significant role as a private food sector by doing its part to create a healthy lifestyle within the public through its food offering and education, marketing tools and strategies, surveys, social events and related activities. The Japanese, however, have been influenced by traditional concepts of healthy eating, resulting in their culturally unique beliefs (Akamatsu et al. , 2004). RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this report proposal are: †¢ To acknowledge the importance of healthy eating †¢ To define the term ‘healthy eating’ at consumers’ perspective †¢ To examine efforts of Sushi King in creating healthy eating †¢ To draw conclusions and recommendations from the research studies METHODOLOGY Secondary and primary research will be carried out to acquire relevant data to assist in the findings and analysis. This study will employ qualitative research concentrating on pure interviews with two-designated questionnaires which included open-ended questions and Likert scale. Qualitative approach is chosen as this technique emphasizes on deep understanding on details and clarification on the concerning issue. The sample participate will include 50 consumers and 10 internal staffs for the implementation of the method adopted to examine the efforts of Sushi King in creating healthy eating. Once the data has been collected, it will be interpreted in statistical format using charts. TIMESCALE: Target date |Task to be achieved |Works to be submitted | |31 January |Agree initial PROJECT OUTLINE with Workshop tutor |PROJECT OUTLINE | |08 March |Project Proposal to local office for forwarding to Bolton |PROJECT PROPOSAL | | |Received feedback from Supervisor on Project Proposal | | |March – June |Writing of literature review | | |July – August |Writing of Research Methodology | | |Sept ember |Designing of questionnaires | | | |Carrying out interview with consumers and internal staffs | | |October |Analysis the results of interviewing | | | |Compiled all the data for the findings | | | |Writing of conclusions | | |November |Submit draft report to Turnitin UK |Final Project Report by | | |Review the result from Turnitin UK |submission date to local | | |Second review and improvement of report with Supervisor |office. | | |Submit Final Project Report to local office for onward forwarding to | | | |Bolton | | RESOURCES: The author has contacted with Sushi King to collect the data with the questionnaires that going to distribute to the consumers and internal staffs. Sushi King has granted to use the information and data been collected. Each interview session will be kept within duration of 15 minutes to 20 minutes. REFERENCES: Akamatsu, R. Maeda, Y. , Hagihara, A. and Shirakawa, T. (2005) Interpretations and attitudes toward healthy eating among Japanese workers. Appe tite, 44, pp. 123-129 Chan, K. , Prendergast, G. , GrOnhOj, A. and Bech-Larsen, T. (2009) Adolescents’ perceptions of healthy eating and communication about healthy eating. Health Education, 109(6) pp. 474-490 Mueller, B. (2007) Just where does corporate responsibility end and consumer responsibility begin? The case of marketing food to kids around the globe. International Journal of Advertising, 26(26) pp. 561-564 Simon, A. (2010). Obesity now a major health concern, says report. New Straits Time, 10 February, p. 13.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Positive Reinforcement to Increase Academic Performance
Reinforcement is the means by which behavior is increased. Also known as consequences, positive reinforcement adds something that will make it more likely the behavior will occur. Negative reinforcement is when something is removed, it is more likely to continue. The Reinforcement Continuum Reinforcement happens all the time. Some reinforcement occurs because the item or activity is naturally reinforcing. At the highest end of reinforcement, reinforcers are social or intrinsic, such as praise or self-esteem. Young children, or children with low cognitive or social functioning, may require primary reinforcers, such as food or preferred items. During the course of instruction primary reinforcers should be paired with secondary reinforcers. Primary Reinforcers: Primary reinforcers are things that reinforce behavior that provide immediate gratification, such as food, water or a preferred activity. Often very young children or children with severe disabilities need primary reinforcers in order to be engaged in an educational program. Food can be a powerful reinforcer, especially preferred food, such as fruit or candy. Often young children with severe disabilities or very low social functioning are started with preferred foods, but they need to be paired with secondary reinforcers, especially praise and social interaction. Physical stimulation, like piggyback rides or airplane rides are primary reinforcers that pair the therapist or teacher with the reinforcer. One of the principal goals of a therapist or teacher is for the therapist or teacher to become a secondary reinforcer for the child. When the therapist becomes a reinforcer for the child, it becomes easier for the child to generalize secondary reinforcers, like praise, across environments. Pairing primary reinforcers with tokens is also a powerful way to replace primary reinforcers with secondary reinforcers. A student earns tokens toward a preferred item, activity or perhaps food as part of their educational or therapy program. The token is also paired with secondary reinforcement, like praise, and moves the child toward appropriate behavior. Secondary Reinforcers: Secondary reinforcers are learned reinforcers. Awards, praise and other social reinforcers are all learned. If students have not learned the value of secondary reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, they need to be paired with primary reinforcers: a child earns a preferred item by earning stars. Soon the social status and attention that go with stars will transfer to the stars, and other secondary reinforcers like stickers and awards will become effective. Children with autism spectrum disorders lack an understanding of social interaction and do not value praise or other secondary reinforcement because they lack Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand that another human has emotions, thoughts and is motivated by personal self-interest. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder need to be taught the value of secondary reinforcers by having them paired with preferred items, food, and preferred activities. Intrinsic Reinforcement: The final goal of reinforcement is for students to learn to evaluate themselves and reward themselves with intrinsic reinforcement, the feeling a person gets from a job well done, for successfully completing a task. Still, we need to remember that people do not spend 12 years in college, medical school and residency just for the honor of being addressed as doctor. They are also hoping to earn the big bucks, and rightly so. Still, when intrinsic rewards accompany employment, as in being a special education teacher, they may compensate for some of the lack of status and income. The ability to discover intrinsic reinforcement in many activities that lead to the big bucks does, however, bode well for future success. Socially Valid Reinforcers Socially valid reinforcers refer to reinforcement schedules that are age appropriate. Seeking reinforcers that do not set students apart from typically developing peers in their age group is really part of providing FAPEâ€â€a Free, Appropriate Public Educationâ€â€a legal underpinning of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 1994 (IDEIA.) For students in middle school or high school, putting Super Mario stickers on the backs of their hands is not age appropriate. Of course, students with the most difficult behavior, or those who do not respond to secondary reinforcement need to have reinforcers that can be paired with social reinforcement and faded as more socially acceptable reinforcement can take its place. Socially valid reinforcement can also help students understand what is cool or acceptable to typical peers. Rather than letting middle school aged students watch a Telletubbies video as a reinforcer, how about a National Geographic video about bears? Or perhaps anime cartoons? Identifying High Preference Reinforcers In order for reinforcement to be effective, it has to be something the student or students find reinforcing. Stars on a chart might work for typical 2nd graders, but not for second graders with a severe disability. They certainly wont work for high school students, unless they get to trade them for something they really want. There are several ways to discover reinforcers. Ask Parents: If you teach students who are not communicating, students with severe cognitive disabilities or autism spectrum disorders, you should be sure to interview parents before the students come to you, so you have some of their favorite things. Often offering a favorite toy for a brief period is a strong enough reinforcer to keep a young student on task.An Informal Preference Assessment: Lay a number of things that children of the same age enjoy playing with and watch what a student shows the most interest in. You may seek similar toys. Also, other items that have shown to be of interest, like toys that light up when you squeeze them, or accordion tubes that make noises when you pull them can be shown and modeled to students to see if they gain their attention. These items are available through catalogs that specialize in providing resources for children with disabilities, such as Abilitations.Observation: What does a child choose to use? What activities do they seem to prefer ? I had a child in an early intervention program who had a pet turtle. We had a nicely painted model turtle of vinyl, and he would work for an opportunity to hold the turtle. With older children, you will find they may have a Thomas the Tank Engine lunch bag, or a Cinderella Umbrella that they cherish, and Thomas and Cinderella may be good partners for reinforcement.Ask the Students: Find out what they find the most motivating. One way to do that is through Reinforcement Menus that offer students things they can choose. When you collect them from a group, you can decide which items seem to be the most popular and arrange to make them available. A choice chart with the choices they have made can be very helpful, or you can create individual choice charts as I have for middle school students on the Autism Spectrum. If you want to control or limit the number of times they can make each choice (especially computer time, when you have limited computers for a large group) you could als o make tickets with strips at the bottom to tear off, a little like the postings for used cars at the Laundromat.
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